
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Electrodeposition of copper nano-clusters at a platinum microelectrode for trace nitrate determination
By Li, Yang; Sun, Jizhou; Bian, Chao; Tong, Jianhua & Xia, Shanhong
A study of lithium transport in aluminum membranes
By Pollak, Elad; Lucas, Ivan T. & Kostecki, Robert
Thin film pyrolytic carbon electrodes: A new class of carbon electrode for electroanalytical sensing applications
By Keeley, Gareth P.; McEvoy, Niall; Kumar, Shishir; Peltekis, Nikos; Mausser, Marcel & Duesberg, Georg S.
A new strategy for the preparation of maleimide-functionalised gold surfaces
By Zhang, Xin; Sun, Guoguang; Hovestà¤dt, Marc; Syritski, Vitali; Esser, Norbert; Volkmer, Rudolf; Janietz, Silvia; Rappich, Jörg & Hinrichs, Karsten
Electrochemical investigation of carbon nanotube nanoweb architecture in biological media
By Antiohos, D.; Moulton, S.E.; Minett, A.I.; Wallace, G.G. & Chen, J.
Mediated electron transfer with P450cin
By Çekiç, Sevil Zengin; Holtmann, Dirk; Güven, Güray; Mangold, Klaus-Michael; Schwaneberg, Ulrich & Schrader, Jens
A new soluble neutral state black electrochromic copolymer via a donor–acceptor approach
By İçli, Merve; Pamuk, Melek; Algı, Fatih; Önal, Ahmet M. & Cihaner, Atilla
Syntheses of triphenylamine-based organic dyes and effects of their acceptor groups on photovoltaic performances of dye sensitized solar cells
By Lee, Jin-Kook; Lee, Seung-Min; Lee, Su-Bin; Kim, Ki-Hyun; Cho, Sang-Eun; il Jang, Sung; Park, Sung-Hae; Hwang, Won-Pill; Seo, Min-Hye & Kim, Mi-Ra
Nanostructured polypyrrole-coated anode for sun-powered microbial fuel cells
By Zou, Yongjin; Pisciotta, John & Baskakov, Ilia V.
Performance of microbial fuel cells with and without Nafion solution as cathode binding agent
By Huang, Yuelong; He, Zhen & Mansfeld, Florian

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