
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Determination of the diffusivity of point defects in passive films on carbon steel
By Darowicki, K; Mirakowski, A & Krakowiak, S
Effects of fluoride concentration and elastic tensile strain on the corrosion resistance of commercially pure titanium
By Khobaib, M; Reynolds, L.B & Donley, M.S
Polymer gel electrolyte supported with microporous polyolefin membranes for lithium ion polymer battery
By Yang, Hai & van Ooij, Wim J.
Ionic conductivity in the CeO₂–Gd₂O₃ system (0.05≤Gd/Ce≤0.4) prepared by oxalate coprecipitation
By Wang, Linchun & Li, D.Y.
Effect of alumina addition on the electrical and mechanical properties of Ce₀.₈Gd₀.₂O₂₋δ ceramics
By Tianshu Zhang,Zhiqiang Zeng, Haitao Huang, Peter Hing, J Kilner
Characterising the quality of chemical tin coatings on copper by electrochemical current noise method
By Khramov, A.N.; Voevodin, N.N.; Balbyshev, V.N. & Mantz, R.A.
Charge cycling and impedance characterization of a polyphosphazene solid polymer electrolyte–manganese(IV) oxide intercalation cathode
By Hong, T & Jepson, W.P
Quantification of CO2 from electrochemical oxidation reactions with a strategy based on transmission infrared spectroscopy
By Karthikeyan, Annamalai; Martindale, Chad & Martin, Steve W.
In vivo and in vitro evaluation of vitreous coatings on cobalt base alloys for prosthetic devices
By Cabral, A.M.; Duarte, R.G.; Montemor, M.F. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Potentiodynamic polarization study of the in vitro corrosion behavior of 3 high-palladium alloys and a gold-palladium alloy in 5 media
By Videm, Ketil

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