
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Fluoride-Induced Dynamic Surface Self-Reconstruction Produces Unexpectedly Efficient Oxygen-Evolution Catalyst
By Zhang, Bowei; Jiang, Kun; Wang, Haotian; Hu, Shan
Nickel-Salen Type Polymer as Conducting Agent and Binder for Carbon-Free Cathodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
By O
Paramagnetism and Fluorescence of Zinc(II) Tripyrrindione: A Luminescent Radical Based on a Redox-Active Biopyrrin
By Gautam, Ritika; Petritis, Steven J.; Astashkin, Andrei V.; Tomat, Elisa
Polyviologen as Electron Transport Material in Photosystem I-Based Biophotovoltaic Cells
By Dervishogullari, Dilek; Gizzie, Evan A.; Jennings, G. Kane; Cliffel, David E.
Imaging Sodium Flux during Action Potentials in Neurons with Fluorescent Nanosensors and Transparent Microelectrodes
By Rong, Guoxin; Kim, Eric H.; Qiang, Yi; Di, Wenjun; Zhong, Yiding; Zhao, Xuanyi; Fang, Hui; Clark, Heather A.
By Shang, Xiao; Liu, Zi-Zhang; Lu, Shan-Shan; Dong, Bin; Chi, Jing-Qi; Qin, Jun-Feng; Liu, Xien; Chai, Yong-Ming; Liu, Chen-Guang
Ultrathin and Strong Electrospun Porous Fiber Separator
By Pan, Jiao-Long; Zhang, Ze; Zhang, Hai; Zhu, Pei-Pei; Wei, Jun-Chao; Cai, Jian-Xin; Yu, Ji; Koratkar, Nikhil; Yang, Zhen-Yu
Flow Battery Electroanalysis: Hydrodynamic Voltammetry of Aqueous Fe(III/II) Redox Couples at Polycrystalline Pt and Au
By Sawant, Tejal V.; McKone, James R.
Four-Dimensional Studies of Morphology Evolution in Lithium
By Tan, Chun; Heenan, Thomas M. M.; Ziesche, Ralf F.; Daemi, Sohrab R.; Hack, Jennifer; Maier, Maximilian; Marathe, Shashidhara; Rau, Christoph; Brett, Daniel J. L.; Shearing, Paul R.
Utilization of thermodynamic scaling relationships in hydricity to develop nickel HER electrocatalysts with weak acids and low overpotentials
By Ostericher, Andrew; Waldie, Kate M.; Kubiak, Clifford P.

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