
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Electrocatalytic properties of Fe–R (R = rare earth metal) crystalline alloys as hydrogen electrodes in alkaline water electrolysis
By Rosalbino, F.; Macciò , D.; Angelini, E.; Saccone, A. & Delfino, S.
Biosensing properties of nanocrystalline diamond film grown on polycrystalline diamond electrodes
By Siew, Pei Sann; Loh, Kian Ping; Poh, Wei Choong & Zhang, Heng
Corrosion of dental metallic materials by dental treatment agents
By Oshida, Yoshiki; Sellers, Cory B.; Mirza, Kawther & Farzin-Nia, Farrokh
Effect of unburnt carbon on the corrosion performance of fly ash cement mortar
By Ha, Tae-Hyun; Muralidharan, Srinivasan; Bae, Jeong-Hyo; Ha, Yoon-Cheol; Lee, Hyun-Goo; Park, Kyung Wha & Kim, Dae-Kyeong
Role of peroxynitrite in the process of vascular tone regulation by nitric oxide and prostanoids—a nanotechnological approach
By Kozak, Allyson J.; Liu, Feng; Funovics, Philip; Jacoby, Adam; Kubant, Ruslan & Malinski, Tadeusz
Electrical detection of biomolecular interactions with metal–insulator–semiconductor diodes
By Estrela, P.; Migliorato, P.; Takiguchi, H.; Fukushima, H. & Nebashi, S.
On-chip micro-biosensor for the detection of human CD4⁺ cells based on AC impedance and optical analysis
By Mishra, Nirankar N.; Retterer, Scott; Zieziulewicz, Thomas J.; Isaacson, Michael; Szarowski, Donald; Mousseau, Donald E.; Lawrence, David A. & Turner, James N.
Comparison of the performance of Cu–CeO₂–YSZ and Ni–YSZ composite SOFC anodes with H₂, CO, and syngas
By Costa-Nunes, Olga; Gorte, Raymond J. & Vohs, John M.
Li₂SO₄-based proton-conducting membrane for H₂S–air fuel cell
By Wei, Guo-Lin; Luo, Jing-Li; Sanger, Alan R.; Chuang, Karl T. & Zhong, Li
Chemicals and energy co-generation from direct hydrocarbons/oxygen proton exchange membrane fuel cell
By Li, W.S.; Lu, D.S.; Luo, J.L. & Chuang, K.T.

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