
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Comparison of the degradation behaviour of fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating systems under flowing and static immersion
By Wei, Y.H.; Zhang, L.X. & Ke, W.
Corrosion inhibition by chromate and phosphate extracts for iron substrates studied by EIS and SVET
By Bastos, A.C.; Ferreira, M.G. & Simões, A.M.
Corrosion potential oscillation of stainless steel in concentrated sulphuric acid: I. Electrochemical aspects
By Li, Yanxu; Ives, M.B. & Coley, K.S.
Effects of dissolved oxygen on passive behavior of stainless alloys
By Raja, K.S. & Jones, D.A.
Comparison of testing solutions on the protection of Al-alloys using a Mg-rich primer
By Battocchi, D.; Simões, A.M.; Tallman, D.E. & Bierwagen, G.P.
Corrosion behaviour of magnetron sputtered α- andβ-Ta coatings on AISI 4340 steel as a function of coating thickness
By Maeng, S.; Axe, L.; Tyson, T.A.; Gladczuk, L. & Sosnowski, M.
Langmuir–Blodgett films of dococyltriethylammonium bromide and octadecanol on iron. Deposition and corrosion inhibitor performance in CO2 containing brine
By Knag, Magne; Bilkova, Katerina; Gulbrandsen, Egil; Carlsen, Per & Sjöblom, Johan
Interference by cerium cations during the multi-step zinc dissolution process in a chloride-containing electrolyte
By Arenas, M.A. & de Damborenea, J.
Loosely Packed Hydroxyl-Terminated SAMs on Gold
By Berron, Brad & Jennings, G. Kane
Effect of Lead on Passivation of Alloy 600 Surface
By Zhou, Zhongquan; Park, Jangyul; Indacochea, J. Ernesto.; Staehle, Roger. W.; Hwang, Seong S.; Finnegan, Nancy & Haasch, Rick

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