
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
An automated system for measuring tip impedance and among-electrode shunting in high-electrode count microelectrode arrays
By Gunalan, Kabilar; Warren, David J.; Perry, Justin D.; Normann, Richard A. & Clark, Gregory A.
Electrochemical characterization and redox behavior of Nb-doped SrTiO3
By Blennow, Peter; Hansen, Kent K.; Wallenberg, L. Reine & Mogensen, Mogens
Transport properties and stability of cobalt doped proton conducting oxides
By Azimova, Maria A. & McIntosh, Steven
Preparation and characterization of sol–gel derived yttria doped zirconia coatings on AISI 316L
By Tiwari, S.K.; Adhikary, Jhuma; Singh, T.B. & Singh, Raghuvir
Effect of substrate deformation on functional properties of atomic-layer-deposited TiO2 coatings on stainless steel
By Straka, Ladislav; Kawakami, Hiroshi; Romu, Jyrki; Ilola, Risto; Mahlberg, Riitta; Heikkilà¤, Mikko & Hà¤nninen, Hannu
The effect of titanium on the lithium intercalation capacity of V2O5thin films
By Sahana, M.B.; Sudakar, C.; Thapa, C.; Naik, V.M.; Auner, G.W.; Naik, R. & Padmanabhan, K.R.
Micro-abrasion–corrosion of cast CoCrMo—Effects of micron and sub-micron sized abrasives
By Sun, D.; Wharton, J.A. & Wood, R.J.K.
Surface nanocrystallization of Al-plated steel for application in the exhaust system of vehicles
By Chen, C.; Shang, C.J. & Li, D.Y.
Variations in microstructure of high chromium cast irons and resultant changes in resistance to wear, corrosion and corrosive wear
By Tang, X.H.; Chung, R.; Li, D.Y.; Hinckley, B. & Dolman, K.
Electro-mechanical interactions during erosion–corrosion
By Barik, R.C.; Wharton, J.A.; Wood, R.J.K. & Stokes, K.R.

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