
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effect of sealing treatment on the corrosion resistance of thermal-sprayed ceramic coatings
By Montemor, M.F.; Simões, A.M. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Time constraints in the testing of salt-fogged samples via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
By Oliveira, C.G & Ferreira, M.G.S
Plasma-treated triazole as a novel organic slow-release paint pigment for corrosion control of AA2024-T3
By Zeng, Y.M.; Luo, J.L. & Norton, P.R.
Characterization of YSZ–YST composites for SOFC anodes
By Jović, V.D. & Jović, B.M.
The influence of size scale on the performance of fuel cells
By Conde, A; Duràn, A & de Damborenea, J.J
Anhydrous proton conductivity in hydrogen alkali thiogermanates
By Rosa, R.L De; Earl, D.A & Bierwagen, G.P
Proton conductivity in a new class of H₂S modified thioborate-based glasses and ceramics
By Kukulka-Walkiewicz, Joanna & Opallo, Marcin
Highly conductive, organic plastic crystals based on pyrazolium imides
By Ballarre, Josefina; Orellano, Juan C.; Bordenave, Carlos; Galliano, Pablo & Ceré, Silvia
Vacuum heat treatment of electroless Ni–B coatings
By Galal, A.; Atta, N.F. & Al-Hassan, M.H.S.
In vivo release from a drug delivery MEMS device
By Mishra, Nirankar N.; Retterer, Scott; Zieziulewicz, Thomas J.; Isaacson, Michael; Szarowski, Donald; Mousseau, Donald E.; Lawrence, David A. & Turner, James N.

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