
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
An investigation of the role of plasma conditions on the deposition rate of electrochromic vanadium oxide thin films
By Seman, Michael; Marino, Joey; Yang, Wenli & Wolden, Colin A.
The effect of Zircaloy-4 substrate surface condition on the adhesion strength and corrosion of SiC coatings
By Al-Olayyan, Y.; Fuchs, G.E.; Baney, R. & Tulenko, J.
Experimental and theoretical studies of LiNi₁/₃Mn₁͵₃M₁/₃O2 [M=Mo and Rh] for cathode material
By Singh, S.P.; Tomar, M.S. & Ishikawa, Y.
Self-assembled monolayer and multilayer thin films on aluminum 2024-T3 substrates and their corrosion resistance study
By Wang, Duhua; Ni, Yuhua; Huo, Qun & Tallman, Dennis E.
Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterizations of patinas formed on an archaeological bronze coin
By Serghini-Idrissi, M.; Bernard, M.C.; Harrif, F.Z.; Joiret, S.; Rahmouni, K.; Srhiri, A.; Takenouti, H.; Vivier, V. & Ziani, M.
Formation of self-ordered nano-tubular structure of anodic oxide layer on titanium
By Raja, K.S.; Misra, M. & Paramguru, K.
Electrochemical behavior of mild steel in concrete: Influence of pH and carbonate content of concrete pore solution
By Huet, Bruno; L’Hostis, Valérie; Miserque, Frédéric & Idrissi, Hassane
Nanostructured sol–gel coatings doped with cerium nitrate as pre-treatments for AA2024-T3: Corrosion protection performance
By Zheludkevich, M.L.; Serra, R.; Montemor, M.F.; Yasakau, K.A.; Salvado, I.M. Miranda & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Interaction of mechanical and electrochemical factors in erosion–corrosion of carbon steel
By Guo, H.X.; Lu, B.T. & Luo, J.L.
Pitting corrosion of AZ91D and AJ62x magnesium alloys in alkaline chloride medium using electrochemical techniques
By Lafront, A.-M.; Zhang, W.; Jin, S.; Tremblay, R.; Dubé, D. & Ghali, E.

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