
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Electrochemical investigation of the coating/substrate interface stability for styrene/acrylate copolymer films applied on iron
By Posner, R.; Wapner, K.; Amthor, S.; Roschmann, K.J. & Grundmeier, G.
Corrosion studies of stainless steel protected by a TiO2 thin film deposited on a sulfonate-functionalized self-assembled monolayer
By Meth, Sérgio; Savchenko, Natali; Koltypin, Maxim; Starosvetsky, David; Viva, Federico A.; Groysman, Alec & Sukenik, Chaim N.
Testing validity of the Tafel extrapolation method for monitoring corrosion of cold rolled steel in HCl solutions – Experimental and theoretical studies
By Amin, Mohammed A.; Khaled, K.F. & Fadl-Allah, Sahar A.
Ion Transport Behavior in Triblock Copolymer-Templated Ordered Mesoporous Carbons with Different Pore Symmetries
By Sun, Gangwei; Wang, Jitong; Liu, Xiaojun; Long, Donghui; Qiao, Wenming & Ling, Licheng
Anomalous Dielectrophoresis of Nanoparticles: A Rapid and Sensitive Characterization by Single-Particle Laser Spectroscopy
By Froude, Victoria E.; Godfroy, James I.; Wang, Shengqin; Dombek, Hannah & Zhu, Yingxi
Synthesis and Electrocatalysis of Carbon Nanofiber-Supported Platinum by 1-AP Functionalization and Polyol Processing Technique
By Lin, Zhan; Ji, Liwen; Woodroof, Mariah D.; Yao, Yingfang; Krause, Wendy & Zhang, Xiangwu
Conductivity and Viscosity Behavior of Asymmetric Phosphonium Iodides
By Ramírez, Rosa E.; Torres-Gonzállez, Luis C.; Hernálndez, Aracely; García, Alejandro & Sálnchez, Eduardo M.
Photoelectrochemical Study of the Ilmenite Polymorph of CdSnO3 and Its Photoanodic Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
By Natu, Gayatri & Wu, Yiying
A Multilayered Approach to Complex Surface Patterning
By Driscoll, Peter F.; Milkani, Eftim; Lambert, Christopher R. & McGimpsey, W. Grant
Comparison of multivariate preprocessing techniques as applied to electronic tongue based pattern classification for black tea
By Palit, Mousumi; Tudu, Bipan; Bhattacharyya, Nabarun; Dutta, Ankur; Dutta, Pallab Kumar; Jana, Arun; Bandyopadhyay, Rajib & Chatterjee, Anutosh

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