
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Nanostructured LDH-container layer with active protection functionality
By Tedim, J.; Zheludkevich, M. L.; Salak, A. N.; Lisenkov, A. & Ferreira, M. G. S.
Compositional effects of PEDOT-PSS/single walled carbon nanotube films on supercapacitor device performance
By Antiohos, Dennis; Folkes, Glenn; Sherrell, Peter; Ashraf, Syed; Wallace, Gordon G.; Aitchison, Phil; Harris, Andrew T.; Chen, Jun & Minett, Andrew I.
Mechanical stimulation of epithelial cells using polypyrrole microactuators
By Svennersten, Karl; Berggren, Magnus; Richter-Dahlfors, Agneta & Jager, Edwin W. H.
Electrolysis in nanochannels for in situ reagent generation in confined geometries
By Contento, Nicholas M.; Branagan, Sean P. & Bohn, Paul W.
Faster oxygen atom transfer catalysis with a tungsten dioxo complex than with its molybdenum analog
By Arumuganathan, T.; Mayilmurugan, Ramasamy; Volpe, Manuel & Mosch-Zanetti, Nadia C.
Metal complexes of Co, Ni and Cu with the pincer ligandHN(CH2CH2PiPr2)2: preparation, characterization and electrochemistry
By Rozenel, Sergio S.; Kerr, John B. & Arnold, John
Evaluation of Pt, Ni, and Ni-Mo electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution on crystalline Si electrodes
By McKone, James R.; Warren, Emily L.; Bierman, Matthew J.; Boettcher, Shannon W.; Brunschwig, Bruce S.; Lewis, Nathan S. & Gray, Harry B.
Multilayer nanoassembly of Sn-nanopillar arrays sandwiched between graphene layers for high-capacity lithium storage
By Ji, Liwen; Tan, Zhongkui; Kuykendall, Tevye; An, Eun Ji; Fu, Yanbao; Battaglia, Vincent & Zhang, Yuegang
A direct carbon fuel cell with a molten antimony anode
By Jayakumar, Abhimanyu; Kungas, Rainer; Roy, Sounak; Javadekar, Ashay; Buttrey, Douglas J.; Vohs, John M. & Gorte, Raymond J.
Porous carbon nanofiber-sulfur composite electrodes for lithium/sulfur cells
By Ji, Liwen; Rao, Mumin; Aloni, Shaul; Wang, Lei; Cairns, Elton J. & Zhang, Yuegang

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