Some of the notes below cover potentiostats in general and others are for Gamry Instruments systems specifically. Click on a link below to download the PDF version of the Application or Technical Note.
每个人都同意理想的参比电极具有稳定性,即明确的电化学电势。常见的参比电极,例如SCE, Ag/AgCl, Cu/CuSO4,在正常工作时都符合这个标准。
This application note describes the software changes that you can make to slow down a Gamry Instruments’ potentiostat. Slowing down the potentiostat can improve its stability. These changes presume a working knowledge of Gamry Instruments’ Explain™ scripting language.
When performing experiments with dye solar cells, light is focused on the cell and its current response is measured. The generated current depends strongly on the intensity of the light. In order to calculate the efficiency of a solar cell, the optical power of the incident light has to be known. This technical note explains how to measure and calculate the optical power of your light source.
This application note is meant to provide you with several tips and techniques for improving potentiostat stability. Potentiostats can become unstable for several reasons. Improving the stability may require trying several different techniques.
If you suspect that your Gamry Potentiostat is misbehaving, the first step is to calibrate it. The Calibration element on the UDC 4 is a 2000 ohm precision resistor (with some protection components).
This application note will discuss the limiting factors controlling low current measurements. It will include hints on cell and system design. The emphasis will be on EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy), a highly demanding application.
Vycor® is often used at the end of a reference electrode or a bridge tube to allow electrical, ionic conductivity between the bulk of the solution and the internal filling solution, while preventing large scale convective mixing of the solutions. Vycor, or "thirsty glass" is a porous glass with a fairly low leak rate.