Installing a PC4 Potentiostat on a New Computer

Posted by gamry on July 7, 2016

A Gamry PC4 can often outlive the computer into which it was first installed.  PC4 potentisotats require a computer with two adjacent ISA slots.  They are not plug-and-play equipment and require some settings tweaking to get them up and running.  Here are two common problems that are received when launching the Gamry Framework for the first time after installation:

two common problems that are received when launching the Gamry Framework for the first time




During the Setup program you were asked to identify the type of the Potentiostat.  You may have mis-identified your ISA Potentiostat as a PCI4.  Run the Setup Wizard to correct this problem and identify it correctly as a PC4 Potentiostat.

During the Setup program you were also asked for the Board Number and Base Address




During the Setup program you were also asked for the Board Number and Base Address of the Potentiostat.  The values you select during setup must agree with the switch settings on the PC4.  Setup will show a cartoon of the switches.  Make sure your Potentiostat’s switches agree with it.  Please see the PC4 Hardware Manual for details on setting the Board Number and Base Address correctly.

If the switches are set correctly and you still receive the same error there may be an address conflict with another ISA card in your computer.  Try changing the Board Number to 2, 3, or 4.  You must (a) change the switches on the board and (b) re-run the Setup Wizard so that the software and hardware are in agreement.