
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Eco friendly inhibitor for corrosion inhibition of mild steel in phosphoric acid medium
By Huang, Yin; Luo, Jingli & Ivey, Douglas G.
Corrosion inhibition of pipeline steel grade API 5L X52 immersed in a 1 M H₂SO₄ aqueous solution using heterocyclic organic molecules
By Normand, B.; Takenouti, H.; Keddam, M.; Liao, H.; Monteil, G. & Coddet, C.
Effects of membrane electrode assembly preparation on the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance
By Hallab, Nadim James; Messina, Carlo; Skipor, Anastasia & Jacobs, Joshua J
Partitioning behavior of silica in the Triton X-100/dextran/water aqueous biphasic system
By Zhu, Danqing & Ooij, Wim J.van
The effects of temperature and hydrodynamics on the CO₂ corrosion of 13Cr and 13Cr5Ni2Mo stainless steels in the presence of free acetic acid
By Novak, P; Mala, R & Joska, L
Initiation and propagation of pitting and crevice corrosion of hydrogen-containing passive films on X70 micro-alloyed steel
By Zhu, Danqing & van Ooij, Wim J
Enhanced corrosion resistance of AA 2024-T3 and hot-dip galvanized steel using a mixture of bis-[triethoxysilylpropyl]tetrasulfide and bis-[trimethoxysilylpropyl]amine
By Danqing Zhu,
Pitting initiation and propagation of hypoeutectoid iron-based alloy with inclusions of martensite in chloride-containing nitrite solutions
By Wim J.van Ooij
Localized corrosion inhibition of 304 stainless steel in pure water by oxyanions tungstate and molybdate
By Barbero, Cesar; Planes, Gabriel A. & Miras, Maria C.
Silanes and rare earth salts as chromate replacers for pre-treatments on galvanised steel
By Gunasekaran, G & Chauhan, L.R

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