
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effect of some thiophene derivatives on the electrochemical behavior of AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel in acidic solutions containing chloride ions: I. Molecular structure and inhibition efficiency relationship
By Galal, A.; Atta, N.F. & Al-Hassan, M.H.S.
Comparative study of GaAs corrosion in H₂SO₄ and NH₃ ·H₂O solutions by electrochemical methods and surface analysis
By Huang, Yin; Luo, Jingli & Ivey, Douglas G.
Corrosion and corrosive wear of annealed, impact-fractured and slow bending-fractured surface layers of AISI 1045 steel in a 3.5% NaCl solution
By Yin, S.B. & Li, D.Y.
Micro-abrasion–corrosion of a CoCrMo alloy in simulated artificial hip joint environments
By Sinnett-Jones, P.E.; Wharton, J.A. & Wood, R.J.K.
Erosion and erosion–corrosion performance of cast and thermally sprayed nickel–aluminium bronze
By Barik, R.C.; Wharton, J.A.; Wood, R.J.K.; Tan, K.S. & Stokes, K.R.
Bond strength of resin cements to H₂O₂-treated titanium plates
By Yoshida, Takamitsu; Terashima, Nobuyoshi; Niiro, Toru; Nagasawa, Sakae; Ito, Michio; Yagasaki, Hiroshi; Oshida, Yoshiki & Agarwal, Parul
Characterisation of a duplex TiO₂/CaP coating on Ti6Al4V for hard tissue replacement
By Ng, Boon Sing; Annergren, Ingegerd; Soutar, Andrew M.; Khor, K.A. & Jarfors, Anders E.W.
The mechanism of corrosion of palladium–silver binary alloys in artificial saliva
By Joska, L.; Marek, M. & Leitner, J.
A composite coating by electrolysis-induced collagen self-assembly and calcium phosphate mineralization
By Fan, Yuwei; Duan, Ke & Wang, Rizhi
Sol–gel-derived corrosion-protective coatings with controllable release of incorporated organic corrosion inhibitors
By Khramov, A.N.; Voevodin, N.N.; Balbyshev, V.N. & Mantz, R.A.

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