
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
A study of gold anodic behavior in the presence of various ions and sulfide minerals in cyanide solution
By Aghamirian, M.M. & Yen, W.T.
Mechanisms of galvanic interactions between gold and sulfide minerals in cyanide solution
By Aghamirian, M.M. & Yen, W.T.
Autocatalytic tin plating in the fabrication of tin-coated copper tube
By Huttunen-Saarivirta, E. & Tiainen, T.
Impedance-metric Pt/YSZ/Au–Ga₂O₃ sensor for CO detection at high temperature
By Wu, Nianqiang; Chen, Zheng; Xu, Jianhui; Chyu, Minking & Mao, Scott X.
Multilayer sol–gel coatings for corrosion protection of magnesium
By Tan, A.L.K.; Soutar, A.M.; Annergren, I.F. & Liu, Y.N.
Corrosion, erosion and erosion–corrosion performance of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) deposited Al2O3 coatings
By Barik, R.C.; Wharton, J.A.; Wood, R.J.K.; Stokes, K.R. & Jones, R.L.
Modified wire beam electrode: a useful tool to evaluate compatibility between organic coatings and cathodic protection
By Thu, Q. Le; Bonnet, G.; Compere, C.; Trong, H. Le & Touzain, S.
Evaluation of thick organic coatings degradation in seawater using cathodic protection and thermally accelerated tests
By Touzain, S.; Thu, Q. Le & Bonnet, G.
A comparative study between Cr(VI)-containing and Cr-free films for coil coating systems
By Duarte, R.G.; Bastos, A.C.; Castela, A.S. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Comparative electrochemical studies of zinc chromate and zinc phosphate as corrosion inhibitors for zinc
By Bastos, A.C.; Ferreira, M.G.S. & Simões, A.M.

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