
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Self-discharge characteristics of lithium/sulfur batteries using TEGDME liquid electrolyte
By Ryu, H.S.; Ahn, H.J.; Kim, K.W.; Ahn, J.H.; Cho, K.K. & Nam, T.H.
Corrosion of stainless steels covered by exopolymers
By Cristóbal, A.B.; Arenas, M.A.; Conde, A. & de Damborenea, J.
Synthesis and characterisation of surface gradient thin conversion films on zinc coated steel
By Stromberg, C.; Thissen, P.; Klueppel, I.; Fink, N. & Grundmeier, G.
Monitoring corrosion rates and localised corrosion in low conductivity water
By Hilbert, L.R.
Effect of concentration gradient on the anodic behavior of tungsten
By Anik, Mustafa
Characterization of ion transport in the active layer of RO and NF polyamide membranes
By Bason, Sarit; Ben-David, Adi; Oren, Yoram & Freger, Viatcheslav
Impedance of steels in new and degraded ester based lubricating oil
By Allahar, Kerry N.; Butt, Darryl P.; Orazem, Mark E.; Chin, Herbert A.; Danko, Gene; Ogden, William & Yungk, Ronald E.
Application of EIS with Au–Hg microelectrode in determining electron transfer mechanisms
By Bai, X.; Dexter, S.C. & III, G.W. Luther
Monitoring of the corrosion process on sulphide film formation with electrochemical and optical measurements
By Hemmingsen, Tor; Fusek, Frederik & Skavà¥s, Erling
Commercial polymer films as calibration standards for EIS measurements
By Bonitz, V.S.; Hinderliter, B.R. & Bierwagen, G.P.

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