
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Model based PEM fuel cell state-of-health monitoring via ac impedance measurements
By Fouquet, N.; Doulet, C.; Nouillant, C.; Dauphin-Tanguy, G. & Ould-Bouamama, B.
Discharge behavior of lithium/sulfur cell with TEGDME based electrolyte at low temperature
By Ryu, Ho-Suk; Ahn, Hyo-Jun; Kim, Ki-Won; Ahn, Jou-Hyun; Cho, Kwon-Koo; Nam, Tae-Hyun; Kim, Jong-Uk & Cho, Gyu-Bong
Improved electrochemical properties of a coin cell using LiMn₁.₅Ni₀.₅O₄ as cathode in the 5 V range
By Singhal, Rahul; Das, Suprem R.; Oviedo, Osbert; Tomar, Maharaj S. & Katiyar, Ram S.
Proton conductivity and chemical stability of Li₂SO₄ based electrolyte in a H₂S–air fuel cell
By Li, Jinxia; Luo, Jing-Li; Chuang, Karl T. & Sanger, Alan R.
Maleic acid grafted low density polyethylene for thermally sprayable anticorrosive coatings
By Singh, S.K.; Tambe, S.P.; Samui, A.B.; Raja, V.S. & Kumar, Dhirendra
Effect of an inhibitive pigment zinc-aluminum-phosphate (ZAP) on the corrosion mechanisms of steel in waterborne coatings
By Hernàndez, M.; Genescà, J.; Uruchurtu, J.; Galliano, F. & Landolt, D.
Application of electrochemical techniques to study the effect on the anticorrosive properties of the addition of ytterbium and erbium triflates as catalysts on a powder epoxy network
By García, S.J. & Suay, J.
Anticorrosive properties of an epoxy-Meldrum acid cured system catalyzed by erbium III trifluromethanesulfonate
By García, S.J. & Suay, J.
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiNi₀.₈₀(Co₀.₂₀₋ₓAlₓ)O₂(x = 0.0 and 0.05) cathodes for Li ion rechargeable batteries
By Majumder, S.B.; Nieto, S. & Katiyar, R.S.
Influence of composition and Cu impregnation method on the performance of Cu/CeO₂/YSZ SOFC anodes
By Jung, Sukwon; Lu, Chun; He, Hongpeng; Ahn, Kipyung; Gorte, R.J. & Vohs, J.M.

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