
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Enhanced Coulombic efficiency and power density of air-cathode microbial fuel cells with an improved cell configuration
By Fan, Yanzhen; Hu, Hongqiang & Liu, Hong
Solid solution lithium alloy cermet anodes
By Richardson, Thomas J. & Chen, Guoying
Channel and rib geometric scale effects of flowfield plates on the performance and transient thermal behavior of a micro-PEM fuel cell
By Hsieh, Shou-Shing & Chu, Kuan-Ming
Increase of positive active material utilization in lead-acid batteries using diatomaceous earth additives
By McAllister, Simon D.; Ponraj, Rubha; Cheng, I. Francis & Edwards, Dean B.
GdBaCo₂O₅₊ₓ layered perovskite as an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathode
By Tarancón, Albert; Morata, Alejandro; Dezanneau, Guilhem; Skinner, Stephen J.; Kilner, John A.; Estradé, Sà²nia; Hernàndez-Ramírez, F.; Peiró, F. & Morante, J.R.
Synthesis and characterization of Nd doped LiMn₂O₄ cathode for Li-ion rechargeable batteries
By Singhal, Rahul; Das, Suprem R.; Tomar, Maharaj S.; Ovideo, Osbert; Nieto, Santander; Melgarejo, Ricardo E. & Katiyar, Ram S.
Deactivation of ceria-based SOFC anodes in methanol
By Kim, Taeyoon; Ahn, Kipyung; Vohs, John M. & Gorte, Raymond J.
Platinum-plated nanoporous gold: An efficient, low Pt loading electrocatalyst for PEM fuel cells
By Zeis, Roswitha; Mathur, Anant; Fritz, Greg; Lee, Joe & Erlebacher, Jonah
The relationship between proton conductivity and water permeability in composite carboxylate/sulfonate perfluorinated ionomer membranes
By Hensley, Jesse E. & Way, J. Douglas
Effect of platinum amount in carbon supported platinum catalyst on performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
By Cho, Yong-Hun; Park, Hyun-Seo; Cho, Yoon-Hwan; Jung, Dae-Sik; Park, Hee-Young & Sung, Yung-Eun

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