
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Corrosion resistant low temperature carburized SS 316 as bipolar plate material for PEMFC application
By Nikam, Vaibhav V.; Reddy, Ramana G.; Collins, Sunniva R.; Williams, Peter C.; Schiroky, Gerhard H. & Henrich, Gary W.
Embedded electrode electrochemical noise monitoring of the corrosion beneath organic coatings induced by ac–dc–ac conditions
By Su, Quan; Allahar, Kerry & Bierwagen, Gordon
Application of EIS and SKP methods for the study of the zinc/polymer interface
By Nazarov, A.; Prosek, T. & Thierry, D.
Synthesis, electrochemistry and in situ spectroelectrochemistry of soluble lead phthalocyanines
By Dinçer, Hatice A.; Lener, M. Kasim; Koca, Atif; Gül, Ahmet & Koçak, Makbule B.
The polarization behavior of the anode in a microbial fuel cell
By Manohar, Aswin K.; Bretschger, Orianna; Nealson, Kenneth H. & Mansfeld, Florian
Corrosion protection of carbon steel by thin films of poly(3-alkyl thiophenes) in 0.5 M H2SO4
By Medrano-Vaca, M.G.; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J.G.; Nicho, M.E.; Casales, M. & Salinas-Bravo, V.M.
Changes on iron electrode surface during hydrogen permeation in borate buffer solution
By Modiano, S.; Carreño, J.A.V.; Fugivara, C.S.; Torresi, R.M.; Vivier, V.; Benedetti, A.V. & Mattos, O.R.
Evaluation of nanosilicate filled poly (vinyl chloride-co-vinyl acetate) and epoxy coatings
By Allie, Lazbourne; Thorn, Joshua & Aglan, Heshmat
On the corrosion inhibition of low carbon steel in concentrated sulphuric acid solutions. Part I: Chemical and electrochemical (AC and DC) studies
By Rehim, Sayed S. Abdel; Hazzazi, Omar A.; Amin, Mohammed A. & Khaled, Khaled F.
Application of embedded sensors in the thermal cycling of organic coatings
By Su, Quan; Allahar, Kerry N. & Bierwagen, Gordon P.

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