
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Conversion of amorphous TiO2 coatings into their crystalline form using a novel microwave plasma treatment
By Dang, Binh H.Q.; Rahman, Mahfujur; MacElroy, Don & Dowling, Denis P.
Combined QCM-D and EIS study of supported lipid bilayer formation and interaction with pore-forming peptides
By Briand, Elisabeth; Zach, Michael; Svedhem, Sofia; Kasemo, Bengt & Petronis, Sarunas
Reaction of Fe3(CO)12 with octreotide-chemical, electrochemical and biological investigations
By Apfel, Ulf-Peter; Rudolph, Manfred; Apfel, Christina; Robl, Christian; Langenegger, Daniel; Hoyer, Daniel; Jaun, Bernhard; Ebert, Marc-Olivier; Alpermann, Theodor; Seebach, Dieter & Weigand, Wolfgang
Fluorescence analysis of chemical microenvironments and their impact upon performance of immobilized enzyme
By Martin, Georgianna L.; Lau, Carolin; Minteer, Shelley D. & Cooney, Michael J.
The effect of the addition of colloidal iridium oxide into sol-gel obtained titanium and ruthenium oxide coatings on titanium on their electrochemical properties
By Panic, Vladimir V.; Dekanski, Aleksandar B.; Mitric, Miodrag; Milonjic, Slobodan K.; Miskovic-Stankovic, Vesna B. & Nikolic, Branislav Z.
Formation and Finite Element Analysis of Tethered Bilayer Lipid Structures
By Kwak, Kwang Joo; Valincius, Gintaras; Liao, Wei-Ching; Hu, Xin; Wen, Xuejin; Lee, Andrew; Yu, Bo; Vanderah, David J.; Lu, Wu & Lee, L. James
Effect of Superhydrophobicity on the Barrier Properties of Polymethylene Films
By Tuberquia, Juan C.; Nizamidin, Nabijan & Jennings, G. Kane
Activation Energies for Oxidation of Porphyrin Monolayers Anchored to Au(111)
By Jiao, Jieying; Taniguchi, Masahiko; Lindsey, Jonathan S. & Bocian, David F.
Micropatterned Dynamically Adhesive Substrates for Cell Migration
By Raghavan, Srivatsan; Desai, Ravi A.; Kwon, Youngeun; Mrksich, Milan & Chen, Christopher S.
Immobilization of Acetylcholinesterase in Lipid Membranes Deposited on Self-Assembled Monolayers
By Milkani, Eftim; Khaing, Aung M.; Huang, Fei; Gibson, Daniel G.; Gridley, Scott; Garceau, Norman; Lambert, Christopher R. & McGimpsey, W. Grant

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