
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Corrosion potential oscillations of nickel-containing stainless steel in concentrated sulphuric acid: II Mechanism and kinetic modelling
By Jones, Stephen; Li, Yanxu; Coley, K.S.; Kish, J.R. & Ives, M.B.
The effects of pharmaceutically active compound doxycycline on the corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution
By Shukla, Sudhish Kumar & Quraishi, M.A.
In situ monitoring of a Mg-rich primer beneath a topcoat exposed to Prohesion conditions
By Wang, Duhua; Battocchi, Dante; Allahar, Kerry N.; Balbyshev, Seva & Bierwagen, Gordon P.
On the inhibition of mild steel corrosion by 4-amino-5-phenyl-4H-1, 2, 4-trizole-3-thiol
By Musa, Ahmed Y.; Kadhum, Abdul Amir H.; Mohamad, Abu Bakar; Takriff, Mohd Sobri; Daud, Abdul Razak & Kamarudin, Siti Kartom
Active protection coatings with layered double hydroxide nanocontainers of corrosion inhibitor
By Zheludkevich, M.L.; Poznyak, S.K.; Rodrigues, L.M.; Raps, D.; Hack, T.; Dick, L.F.; Nunes, T. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Electrochemical characterization of sintered magnetite electrode in LiOH solution
By Jung, Ki-Sok & Pierrefeu, Laurent de
Nitrogen-containing graphitized carbon support for methanol oxidation Pt catalyst
By Kim, Dong Baek; Lim, Dong-Ha; Chun, Hee-Joon; Kwon, Heock-Hoi & Lee, Ho-In
Investigation of changes in properties of activated carbon cloth upon polarization and of electrosorption of the dye basic blue-7
By Bayram, Edip & Ayranci, Erol
Ferrocene-derivatized ordered mesoporous carbon as high performance counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
By Ramasamy, Easwaramoorthi & Lee, Jinwoo
Sustainable nitrogen-doped carbonaceous materials from biomass derivatives
By Zhao, Li; Baccile, Niki; Gross, Silvia; Zhang, Yuanjian; Wei, Wei; Sun, Yuhan; Antonietti, Markus & Titirici, Maria-Magdalena

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