
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
EIS studies on electro-electrodialysis cell for concentration of hydriodic acid
By Sow, Pradeep Kumar; Sant, Sonal & Shukla, Anupam
Electrochemical oxidation of C2 alcohols at platinum electrodes in acidic and alkaline environment
By Bayer, D.; Berenger, S.; Joos, M.; Cremers, C. & Tübke, J.
The use and optimization of stainless steel mesh cathodes in microbial electrolysis cells
By Zhang, Yimin; Merrill, Matthew D. & Logan, Bruce E.
Interpretation of electrochemical measurements made during micro-scale abrasion-corrosion
By Wood, R.J.K.; Sun, D.; Thakare, M.R.; de Frutos Rozas, A. & Wharton, J.A.
Design and characterization of bi-functional electrocatalytic layers for application in PEM unitized regenerative fuel cells
By Grigoriev, S.A.; Millet, P.; Dzhus, K.A.; Middleton, H.; Saetre, T.O. & Fateev, V.N.
Quantification of in situ temperature measurements on a PBI-based high temperature PEMFC unit cell
By Lebà¦k, Jesper; Ali, Syed Talat; Mà¸ller, Per; Mathiasen, Claus; Nielsen, Lars Pleth & Kà¦r, Sà¸ren Knudsen
Hydrogen production with nickel powder cathode catalysts in microbial electrolysis cells
By Selembo, Priscilla A.; Merrill, Matthew D. & Logan, Bruce E.
Accelerated test analysis of reversal potential caused by fuel starvation during PEMFCs operation
By Kang, Jungtak; Jung, Dong Won; Park, Soon; Lee, Jong-Hyun; Ko, Jaejoon & Kim, Junbom
Optimization of NiMo catalyst for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells
By Hu, Hongqiang; Fan, Yanzhen & Liu, Hong
Design and manufacturing of end plates of a 5 kW PEM fuel cell
By Asghari, S.; Shahsamandi, M.H. & Ashraf Khorasani, M.R.

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