
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Highly crystalline and soluble dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid doped poly(o-toluidine)
By Ebrahim, Sh. M.; Gad, A. & Morsy, A.
An impedance study of the adsorption of CuSO4 and SIBX on pyrrhotite samples of different provenances
By Ekmekçi, Z.; Becker, M.; Tekes, E. Bagci & Bradshaw, D.
Functionalization of electrochemically prepared titania nanotubes with Pt for application as catalyst for fuel cells
By Hassan, Fathy M.B.; Nanjo, Hiroshi; Venkatachalam, Shanmugam; Kanakubo, Mitsuhiro & Ebina, Takeo
Oligo(ethylene glycol)-functionalized disiloxanes as electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
By Zhang, Zhengcheng; Dong, Jian; West, Robert & Amine, Khalil
Electrocatalytic evolution of hydrogen on a novel SrPdO3 perovskite electrode
By Galal, Ahmed; Atta, Nada F.; Darwish, Soher A.; Fatah, Ahmed Abdel & Ali, Shimaa M.
Electrochemical and impedance investigation of the effect of lithium malonate on the performance of natural graphite electrodes in lithium-ion batteries
By Sun, Xiao-Guang & Dai, Sheng
Sol–gel processed thin-layer ruthenium oxide/carbon black supercapacitors: A revelation of the energy storage issues
By Panić, V.V.; Dekanski, A.B. & Stevanović, R.M.
Electrodeposited MnOx/carbon nanofiber composites for use as anode materials in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
By Lin, Zhan; Ji, Liwen; Woodroof, Mariah D. & Zhang, Xiangwu
Detailed dynamic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell modeling for electrochemical impedance spectra simulation
By Hofmann, Ph. & Panopoulos, K.D.
Effect of length of anodized TiO2 tubes on photoreactivity: Photocurrent, Cr(VI) reduction and H2 evolution
By Park, Minsung; Heo, Ahyoung; Shim, Eunjung; Yoon, Jaekyung; Kim, Hansung & Joo, Hyunku

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