
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
In situ Evolution of Trivalent Chromium Process Passive Film on Al in a Corrosive Aqueous Environment
By Dong, Xuecheng; Argekar, Sandip; Wang, Peng & Schaefer, Dale W.
Coatings of Poly-p-Aminophenol at Carbon Electrodes: Electrochemical Behavior
Mesoporous Indium Tin Oxide as a Novel Platform for Bioelectronics
By Stefano Frasca, Till von Graberg, Jiu-Ju Feng Dr., Arne Thomas Prof., Bernd M. Smarsly Prof., Inez M. Weidinger Dr., Frieder W. Scheller Prof., Peter Hildebrandt Prof.,Ulla Wollenberger Prof.
Corrosion inhibition of copper in chloride media by 2-mercapto-4-(p-methoxyphenyl)-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-5-carbonitrile: Electrochemical and theoretical study
By Al-Mobarak, N.A.; Khaled, K.F.; Hamed, Mohamed N.H.; Abdel-Azim, K.M. & Abdelshafi, N.S.
Synthesis and electropolymerization of the phthaocyanines with 4-(2,5-di-2-thiophen-2-yl-pyrrol-1-yl) substituents
By Yavuz, Arzu; Bezgin, Buket; Aras, Leyla & Önal, Ahmet M.
Effect of conductive filler on the impedance behaviors of activated carbon based electric double layer capacitors
By Liu, Ximiao; Juan, Li; Zhan, Liang; Tang, Li; Wang, Yanli; Qiao, Wenming; Liang, Xiaoyi & Ling, Licheng
Optimization of incubation time of protein Tc85 in the construction of biosensor: Is the EIS a good tool?
By Pupim Ferreira, Antonio Ap.; Alves, Maria Jàºlia M.; Barrozo, S.; Yamanaka, Hideko & Benedetti, Assis Vicente
The relationship between the electrochemical, mineralogical and flotation characteristics of pyrrhotite samples from different Ni Ores
By Ekmekçi, Zafir; Becker, Megan; Tekes, Esra Bagci & Bradshaw, Dee
Effect of pore structure on the electrochemical performance of coal-based activated carbons in non-aqueous electrolyte
By ZHANG, Chuan-xiang; ZHANG, Rui; XING, Bao-lin; CHENG, Guo; Xie, Ying-bo; QIAO, Wen-ming; ZHAN, Liang; LIANG, Xiao-yi & LING, Li-cheng
Effect of the surface chemistry of activated carbon on its electrochemical properties in electric double layer capacitors
By XIE, Ying-bo; QIAO, Wen-ming; ZHANG, Wei-yan; SUN, Gang-wei & LING, Li-cheng

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