
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Iron Salts with the Tetracyanidoborate Anion: [FeIII(H2O)6][B(CN)4]3, Coordination Polymer [FeII(H2O)2{κ2N[B(CN)4]}2], and [FeII(DMF)6][B(CN)4]2
By Nitschke, Christian & Köckerling, Martin
Pyridazine- versus Pyridine-Based Tridentate Ligands in First-Row Transition Metal Complexes
By Grünwald, Katrin R.; Volpe, Manuel; Cias, Pawel; Gescheidt, Georg & Mösch-Zanetti, Nadia C.
Mechanistic Insight into Olefin Epoxidation Catalyzed by Rhenium(V) Oxo Complexes That Contain Pyridazine-Based Ligands
By Grünwald, Katrin R.; Saischek, Gerald; Volpe, Manuel & Mösch-Zanetti, Nadia C.
Designing Catalysts for Nitrene Transfer Using Early Transition Metals and Redox-Active Ligands
By Heyduk, Alan F.; Zarkesh, Ryan A. & Nguyen, Andy I.
Improvement of Yeast−Biofuel Cell Output by Electrode Modifications
By Hubenova, Yolina V.; Rashkov, Rashko S.; Buchvarov, Vasil D.; Arnaudova, Marina H.; Babanova, Sofia M. & Mitov, Mario Y.
Effect of Glycine on the Electrochemical and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Cu10Ni Alloy in Sulfide Polluted Salt Water
By Abdel Nazeer, Ahmed; Allam, Nageh K.; Youssef, Gehan I. & Ashour, Elsayed A.
Efficient Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline Medium on High-Surface-Area Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbons Made from Ionic Liquids and Nucleobases
By Yang, Wen; Fellinger, Tim-Patrick & Antonietti, Markus
Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Using Si Microwire Arrays
By Boettcher, Shannon W.; Warren, Emily L.; Putnam, Morgan C.; Santori, Elizabeth A.; Turner-Evans, Daniel; Kelzenberg, Michael D.; Walter, Michael G.; McKone, James R.; Brunschwig, Bruce S.; Atwater, Harry A. & Lewis, Nathan S.
Mechanically Stabilized Tetrathiafulvalene Radical Dimers
By Coskun, Ali; Spruell, Jason M.; Barin, Gokhan; Fahrenbach, Albert C.; Forgan, Ross S.; Colvin, Michael T.; Carmieli, Raanan; Benítez, Diego; Tkatchouk, Ekaterina; Friedman, Douglas C.; Sarjeant, Amy A.; Wasielewski, Michael R.; Goddard, William A. & Stoddart, J. Fraser
Current Production by Bacterial Communities in Microbial Fuel Cells Enriched from Wastewater Sludge with Different Electron Donors
By Kan, Jinjun; Hsu, Lewis; Cheung, Andrea C. M.; Pirbazari, Massoud & Nealson, Kenneth H.

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