
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Robust Au–Ag–Au Bimetallic Atom-Scale Junctions Fabricated by Self-Limited Ag Electrodeposition at Au Nanogaps
By Hwang, Tai-Wei & Bohn, Paul W.
Corrosion response of annealed oxide film of pure Mg via plasma electrolytic oxidation in an electrolyte containing KMnO4
By Hwang, In Jun; Lee, Byung Uk; Ko, Young Gun & Shin, Dong Hyuk
Investigation of the signaling mechanism and verification of the performance of an electrochemical real-time PCR system based on the interaction of methylene blue with DNA
By Won, Byoung Yeon; Shin, Sujeong; Baek, Songyi; Jung, Ye Lim; Li, Taihua; Shin, Sung Chul; Cho, Dae-Yeon; Lee, Sang Bok & Park, Hyun Gyu
Disposable manganese oxide screen printed electrodes for electroanalytical sensing
By Sljukic, Biljana R.; Kadara, Rashid O. & Banks, Craig E.
SPR-based single nucleotide mismatch biosensor
By Milkani, Eftim; Khaing, Aung M.; Morais, Sergi; Lambert, Christopher R. & McGimpsey, W. Grant
Pore Filling of Nanostructured Electrodes in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells by Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition
By Nejati, Siamak & Lau, Kenneth K. S.
DNA Tunneling Detector Embedded in a Nanopore
By Ivanov, Aleksandar P.; Instuli, Emanuele; McGilvery, Catriona M.; Baldwin, Geoff; McComb, David W.; Albrecht, Tim & Edel, Joshua B.
Enhancing Oxide Ion Incorporation Kinetics by Nanoscale Yttria-Doped Ceria Interlayers
By Fan, Zeng & Prinz, Fritz B.
Highly-Ordered Supportless Three-Dimensional Nanowire Networks with Tunable Complexity and Interwire Connectivity for Device Integration
By Rauber, Markus; Alber, Ina; Müller, Sven; Neumann, Reinhard; Picht, Oliver; Roth, Christina; Schökel, Alexander; Toimil-Molares, Maria Eugenia & Ensinger, Wolfgang
Thickness Dependence of Plasmonic Charge Carrier Generation in Ultrathin a-Si:H Layers for Solar Cells
By Gusak, Viktoria; Kasemo, Bengt & Higlund, Carl

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