
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Physical and electrochemical study of platinum thin films deposited by sputtering and electrochemical methods
By Quiñones, C.; Vallejo, W. & Mesa, F.
Nanostructure and conductivity study of yttria doped zirconia films deposited on samaria doped ceria
By Wu, Ming-Hsiu; Huang, Jow-Lay; Fung, Kuan-Zong; Liu, Hao-Chih & Lii, Ding-Fwu
Nanocrystalline hard chromium electrodeposition from trivalent chromium bath containing carbamide and formic acid: Structure, composition, electrochemical corrosion behavior, hardness and wear characteristics of deposits
By Danilov, F.I.; Protsenko, V.S.; Gordiienko, V.O.; Kwon, S.C.; Lee, J.Y. & Kim, M.
The effect of heat treatment on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of reactive plasma-sprayed TiN coatings
By Zhao, Xuebo; Yan, Dianran; Li, Sha & Lu, Chenguang
The effect of deposition temperature on the surface coverage and morphology of iron-phosphate coatings on low carbon steel
By Popić, J.P.; Jegdić, B.V.; Bajat, J.B.; Veljović, i.; Stevanović, S.I. & Mišković-Stanković, V.B.
Electrochemical behavior of amino-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes coordinated with cobalt porphyrin for the oxidation of nitric oxide
By Yan, Ya; Yao, Pingping; Mu, Qin; Wang, Lei; Mu, Jin; Li, Xiangqing & Kang, Shi-Zhao
Mechanical and electrochemical characterization of vanadium nitride (VN) thin films
By Caicedo, J.C.; Zambrano, G.; Aperador, W.; Escobar-Alarcon, L. & Camps, E.
Non-mechanical variable apertures based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)
By Roth, S.; Ignatowitz, M.; Müller, P.; Mönch, W. & Oesterschulze, E.
In vivo electrochemical impedance measurement on single cell membrane
By Bai, Seoung-Jai & Prinz, Fritz B.
PM-IRRAS studies of the adsorption and stability of organophosphonate monolayers on passivated NiTi surfaces
By Maxisch, M.; Ebbert, C.; Torun, B.; Fink, N.; de los Arcos, T.; Lackmann, J.; Maier, H.J. & Grundmeier, G.

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