
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
The effective surface pH during reactions at the solid–liquid interface
By Katsounaros, Ioannis; Meier, Josef C.; Klemm, Sebastian O.; Topalov, Angel A.; Biedermann, P. Ulrich; Auinger, Michael & Mayrhofer, Karl J.J.
End-opened carbon nanotube array supported Pd as anode for alkaline fuel cell
By Hu, Fengping & Chen, Weixing
Highly proton conductive electrolyte membranes: Fiber-induced long-range ionic channels
By Yao, Yingfang; Guo, Bingkun; Ji, Liwen; Jung, Kyung-Hye; Lin, Zhan; Alcoutlabi, Mataz; Hamouda, Hechmi & Zhang, Xiangwu
Interfacial processes at single-crystalβ-Sn electrodes in organic carbonate electrolytes
By Lucas, Ivan T.; Syzdek, JarosLaw & Kostecki, Robert
Increasing the potential window of the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions to more than 1.2 V
By Cousens, Nico E.A. & Kucernak, Anthony R.
Coupling of a high throughput microelectrochemical cell with online multielemental trace analysis by ICP-MS
By Klemm, Sebastian O.; Topalov, Angel A.; Laska, Claudius A. & Mayrhofer, Karl J.J.
A neutral state yellow to navy polymer electrochrome with pyrene scaffold
By İçli-Özkut, Merve; Öztaş Zahide; Algi, Fatih & Cihaner, Atilla
A study of the methane tolerance of LSCM–YSZ composite anodes with Pt, Ni, Pd and ceria catalysts
By Kim, Ju-Sik; Nair, Vineet V.; Vohs, John M. & Gorte, Raymond J.
Mechanical and electrical property enhancement in exfoliated graphene nanoplatelet/liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites
By Biswas, Sanjib; Fukushima, Hiroyuki & Drzal, Lawrence T.
Electricity generation in continuous flow microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with manganese dioxide (MnO2) cathodes
By Li, Xiang; Hu, Boxun; Suib, Steven; Lei, Yu & Li, Baikun

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