
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Discovery and Characterization of a Pourbaix-Stable, 1.8 eV Direct Gap Bismuth Manganate Photoanode
By Newhouse, Paul F.; Reyes-Lillo, Sebastian E.; Li, Guo; Zhou, Lan; Shinde, Aniketa; Guevarra, Dan; Suram, Santosh K.; Soedarmadji, Edwin; Richter, Matthias H.; Qu, Xiaohui; Persson, Kristin; Neaton, Jeffrey B.; Gregoire, John M.
Zero-Valent Iron Enhances Biocathodic Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methane
By Dykstra, Christy M.; Pavlostathis, Spyros G.
Quantifying Site-Specific Proton Dynamics in Phosphate Solid Acids by 1H Double Quantum NMR Spectroscopy
By Foran, Gabrielle Y.; Brouwer, Darren H.; Goward, Gillian R.
Portable Nitric Oxide (NO) Generator Based on Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrite for Potential Applications in Inhaled NO Therapy and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
By Qin, Yu; Zajda, Joanna; Brisbois, Elizabeth J.; Ren, Hang; Toomasian, John M.; Major, Terry C.; Rojas-Pena, Alvaro; Carr, Benjamin; Johnson, Thomas; Haft, Jonathan W.; Bartlett, Robert H.; Hunt, Andrew P.; Lehnert, Nicolai; Meyerhoff, Mark E.
By Tang, Wan Si; Dimitrievska, Mirjana; Stavila, Vitalie; Zhou, Wei; Wu, Hui; Talin, A. Alec; Udovic, Terrence J.
Screening Precursor
By Meierhofer, Florian; Li, Haipeng; Gockeln, Michael; Kun, Robert; Grieb, Tim; Rosenauer, Andreas; Fritsching, Udo; Kiefer, Johannes; Birkenstock, Johannes; M
Disproportionation or Combination? The Termination of Acrylate Radicals in ATRP
By Ribelli, Thomas G.; Augustine, Kyle F.; Fantin, Marco; Krys, Pawel; Poli, Rinaldo; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
Photoreductive Removal of O-Benzyl Groups from Oxyarene N-Heterocycles Assisted by O-Pyridine
By Todorov, Aleksandar R.; Wirtanen, Tom; Helaja, Juho
Redox-Responsive Artificial Molecular Muscles: Reversible Radical-Based Self-Assembly for Actuating Hydrogels
By Greene, Angelique F.; Danielson, Mary K.; Delawder, Abigail O.; Liles, Kevin P.; Li, Xuesong; Natraj, Anusree; Wellen, Andrew; Barnes, Jonathan C.
Bicarbonate Is Not a General Acid in Au-Catalyzed CO2 Electroreduction
By Wuttig, Anna; Yoon, Youngmin; Ryu, Jaeyune; Surendranath, Yogesh

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