Investigation of patterned and non-patterned poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene) oxide based anion exchange membranes for enhanced desalination and power generation in a microbial desalination cell

By Moruno, Francisco Lopez; Rubio, Juan E.; Santoro, Carlo; Atanassov, Plamen; Cerrato, Jos
Published in Solid State Ionics 2018


Quaternary ammonium poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene oxide) (QAPPO) anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with topographically patterned surfaces were assessed in a microbial desalination cell (MDC) system. The {MDC} results with these {QAPPO} {AEMs} were benchmarked against a commercially available AEM. The {MDC} with the non-patterned {QAPPO} {AEM} (Q1) displayed the best desalination rate (a reduction of salinity by 53

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