Improvement on the corrosion protection of conductive polymers in pemfc environmets by adhesives

By Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J.G.; Lucio-García, M.A.; Nicho, M.E.; Cruz-Silva, R.; Casales, M. & Valenzuela, E.
Published in Journal of Power Sources NULL 2007


The corrosion protection of polypirrol (PPY) and polyaniline (PANI) coatings electrochemically deposited with and without polyvinil alcohol (PVA) as adhesive onto 304 type stainless steel has been evaluated using electrochemical techniques. Environment included 0.5 M H2SO4 at 60 °C whereas employed techniques included pothentiodynamic polarization curves (PC), linear polarization resistance (LPR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. Results showed that the free corrosion potential, of the substrate, Ecorr, was made more noble up to 500 mV with the polymeric coatings. The corrosion rate was lowered by using the polymers, but with the addition of PVA, it was decreased further, one order of magnitude for PPY and up to three orders of magnitude for PANI. Impedance spectra showed that the corrosion mechanism is under a Warburgh-type diffussional process of the electrolyte throughout the coating, and that the uptake of the environment causes the eventual failure of the coating corroding the substrate.

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