Free-Standing Networks of Core

By Muench, Falk; Sun, Luwan; Kottakkat, Tintula; Antoni, Markus; Schaefer, Sandra; Kunz, Ulrike; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Duerrschnabel, Michael; Kleebe, Hans-Joachim; Ayata, Sevda; Roth, Christina; Ensinger, Wolfgang
Published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017


Nanotube assemblies represent an emerging class of advanced functional materials, whose utility is however hampered by intricate production processes. In this work, three classes of nanotube networks (monometallic, bimetallic, and metal oxide) are synthesized solely using facile redox reactions and commercially available ion track membranes. First, the disordered pores of an ion track membrane are widened by chemical etching, resulting in the formation of a strongly interconnected pore network. Replicating this template structure with electroless copper plating yields a monolithic film composed of crossing metal nanotubes. We show that the parent material can be easily transformed into bimetallic or oxidic derivatives by applying a second electroless plating or thermal oxidation step. These treatments retain the monolithic network structure but result in the formation of core

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