Increased performance of single-chamber microbial fuel cells using an improved cathode structure

By Cheng, Shaoan; Liu, Hong & Logan, Bruce E.
Published in Electrochemistry Communications NULL 2006


Maximum power densities by air-driven microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are considerably influenced by cathode performance. We show here that application of successive polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) layers (DLs), on a carbon/PTFE base layer, to the air-side of the cathode in a single chamber MFC significantly improved coulombic efficiencies (CEs), maximum power densities, and reduced water loss (through the cathode). Electrochemical tests using carbon cloth electrodes coated with different numbers of DLs indicated an optimum increase in the cathode potential of 117 mV with four-DLs, compared to a <10 mV increase due to the carbon base layer alone. In MFC tests, four-DLs was also found to be the optimum number of coatings, resulting in a 171% increase in the CE (from 19.1% to 32%), a 42% increase in the maximum power density (from 538 to 766 mW m-2), and measurable water loss was prevented. The increase in CE due is believed to result from the increased power output and the increased operation time (due to a reduction in aerobic degradation of substrate sustained by oxygen diffusion through the cathode).

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