Production of capacitive films from Mn thin films: Effects of current density and film thickness

By Djurfors, B.; Broughton, J.N; Brett, M.J. & Ivey, D.G.
Published in Journal of Power Sources NULL 2006


Electrochemical oxidation of Mn thin films produces a highly capacitive, porous MnO2 surface layer. The effects of current density and deposited Mn layer thickness on the morphology of the porous surface layer are quite pronounced. A higher current density results in a much thinner, finer porous layer while thicker deposited Mn films give much thicker porous films. Increasing the current density results in a film with greater hydration and an increase in capacitance. For the films of varying deposited layer thickness, oxidation occurs at a single current density and, as a result, the relative hydration of the film does not change noticeably. Increasing the deposited layer thickness results in a porous surface layer that increases in thickness, but with a constant amount of hydration. This combination of trends results in a significant increase in the areal capacitance of the film but little change in the specific capacitance.

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