Dealloying studies with electrodeposited zinc-nickel alloy films

By Stein, M.; Owens, S.P.; Pickering, H.W. & Weil, K.G.
Published in Electrochimica Acta NULL 1998


We report on electrochemical and electron microscope investigations of Zn--12% Ni alloys, electrodeposited on steel. We recorded current transients after potential jumps from the open circuit potential to more noble potentials. For potentials below -0.65 V vs sce the transients have a negative slope, while at higher potentials this slope is positive. Hence, a critical potential of -0.65 V exists for this material. Up to this potential, nickel enrichment in the surface leads to a current decrease with time. Above -0.65 V more localized attack occurs, as can be seen from scanning electron micrographs. They indicate some grain boundary etching below and severe transgranular cracking above the critical potential.

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