Hydrogen induced cracking susceptibility in different layers of a hot rolled X70 pipeline steel
By Mohtadi-Bonab, M.A.; Szpunar, J.A. & Razavi-Tousi, S.S.
Published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) behaviour was investigated in three layers of RD–ND plane. HIC test showed that all cracks initiated from the mid-thickness of the RD–ND plane and propagated in the rolling direction of the steel plate. Hydrogen permeation test results showed a lower permeability and diffusivity coefficient for the third layer resulting in the highest density of traps and consequently HIC susceptibility. Considering the HIC test and crystallographic texture measurements, cracks initiated from the grain boundaries associated with 100 grain orientation and arrested in regions with some strong texture components, such as 110 //ND, 112 //ND, and possibly 332 //ND. The role of HABs and CSLs boundaries was important in crack propagation.
Microsoft is Ending Support for Windows 7
Microsoft will discontinue support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020 which means Gamry will also be discontinuing support for Windows 7. If you are upgrading to Windows 10, like many companies and institutions, you need to be running Version 7 of our s oftware . Please note that only USB and Ethernet-based instruments can run in Version 7. Eligible users can download the latest version of our software through our online Client Portal .
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