
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Influence of the conversion coating on the corrosion of galvanized reinforcing steel
By Arenas, M.A.; Casado, C.; Nobel-Pujol, V. & de Damborenea, J.
Sensor for oxygen evaluation in concrete
By Correia, M.J.; Pereira, E.V.; Salta, M.M. & Fonseca, I.T.E.
Electrochemical behaviour assessment of novel Mg-rich Mg–Al–RE alloys (RE = Ce, Er)
By Rosalbino, F.; Angelini, E.; Negri, S. De; Saccone, A. & Delfino, S.
Monitoring of the avidin–biotylinated dextran interaction on Au- and Ti/TiO₂-electrode surfaces using a charge integrating device
By Bolis, Spiros D.; Charalambous, Panagiota C.; Efstathiou, Constantinos E.; Mantzila, Aikaterini G.; Malamou, Constantina A. & Prodromidis, Mamas I.
DNA hybridization detection by label free versus impedance amplifying label with impedance spectroscopy
By Ma, Kuo-Sheng; Zhou, Hong; Zoval, Jim & Madou, Marc
Water transport in a non-aqueous, polypyrrole electrochemical cell
By Xu, Han; Konovalov, Valery V.; Contescu, Cristian I.; Jaffe, Stephen M. & Madou, Marc
Investigation on the solid electrolyte interface formed on pyrolyzed photoresist carbon anodes for C-MEMS lithium-ion batteries
By Galobardes, F.; Wang, C. & Madou, M.
WO₃₋ₓ nanowires based electrochromic devices
By Liao, Chia-Ching; Chen, Fu-Rong & Kai, Ji-Jung
The role of ambient conditions on the performance of a planar, air-breathing hydrogen PEM fuel cell
By Fabian, Tibor; Posner, Jonathan D.; O’Hayre, Ryan; Cha, Suk-Won; Eaton, John K.; Prinz, Fritz B. & Santiago, Juan G.
Characterization of the operational parameters of a H2/air micro PEMFC with different flow fields by impedance spectroscopy
By Hsieh, Shou-Shing; Yang, Sheng-Huang & Feng, Chih-Lun

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