
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Electrodeposited metals at conducting polymer electrodes: I—Effect of particle size and film thickness on electrochemical response
By Atta, Nada F.; Galal, A. & Khalifa, F.
Effect of sulfide pollution on the stability of the protective film of benzotriazole on copper
By Kharafi, F.M. Al; Abdullah, A.M.; Ghayad, I.M. & Ateya, B.G.
Structural characterization and properties of lanthanum film as chromate replacement for tinplate
By Huang, Xingqiao & Li, Ning
company directory
By Arenas, M.A. & de Damborenea, J.J.
Characterization of a-SiCx:H thin films as an encapsulation material for integrated silicon based neural interface devices
By Hsu, Jui-Mei; Tathireddy, Prashant; Rieth, Loren; Normann, A. Richard & Solzbacher, Florian
Corrosion behavior of AZ91 magnesium alloy treated by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition in artificial physiological fluids
By Liu, Chenglong; Xin, Yunchang; Tian, Xiubo & Chu, Paul K.
Effects of the strain rate of prior deformation on the wear–corrosion synergy of carbon steel
By Yin, Songbo; Li, D.Y. & Bouchard, R.
Synergistic effects of micro-abrasion–corrosion of UNS S30403, S31603 and S32760 stainless steels
By Bello, J.O.; Wood, R.J.K. & Wharton, J.A.
Exposure effects of alkaline drilling fluid on the microscale abrasion–corrosion of WC-based hardmetals
By Thakare, M.R.; Wharton, J.A.; Wood, R.J.K. & Menger, C.
Enamel inspired nanocomposite fabrication through amelogenin supramolecular assembly
By Fan, Yuwei; Sun, Zhi; Wang, Rizhi; Abbott, Christopher & Moradian-Oldak, Janet

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