
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Gp91phox-containing NAD(P)H oxidase increases superoxide formation by doxorubicin and NADPH
By Deng, Shiwei; Kruger, Anke; Kleschyov, Andrei L.; Kalinowski, Leszek; Daiber, Andreas & Wojnowski, Leszek
Two-liquid flotation of sulphides: An electrochemical approach
By Kocabağ, Duran & Güler, Taki
Electrochemical interactions of industrially important platinum-containing minerals
By Vermaak, M.K.G.; Miller, J.D. & Lee, J.
Electrochemical properties of V₂O₅ thin films deposited by spin coating
By Sahana, M.B.; Sudakar, C.; Thapa, C.; Lawes, G.; Naik, V.M.; Baird, R.J.; Auner, G.W.; Naik, R. & Padmanabhan, K.R.
Application of steel thin film electrical resistance sensor for in situ corrosion monitoring
By Li, SeonYeob; Kim, Young-Geun; Jung, Sungwon; Song, Hong-Seok & Lee, Seong-Min
A nanotube array immunosensor for direct electrochemical detection of antigen–antibody binding
By Yun, YeoHeung; Bange, Adam; Heineman, William R.; Halsall, H. Brian; Shanov, Vesselin N.; Dong, Zhongyun; Pixley, Sarah; Behbehani, Michael; Jazieh, Abdul; Tu, Yi; Wong, Danny K.Y.; Bhattacharya, Amit & Schulz, Mark J.
High response and stability in CO and humidity measures using a single SnO₂ nanowire
By Hernàndez-Ramírez, F.; Tarancón, A.; Casals, O.; Arbiol, J.; Romano-Rodríguez, A. & Morante, J.R.
Studies of the pulse charge of lead-acid batteries for PV applications: Part II. Impedance of the positive plate revisited
By Kirchev, A.; Delaille, A.; Perrin, M.; Lemaire, E. & Mattera, F.
Crystal chemistry modification of lithium nickel cobalt oxide cathodes for lithium ion rechargeable batteries
By Sivaprakash, S.; Majumder, S.B.; Nieto, S. & Katiyar, R.S.
Preparation of PtRu nanoparticles on various carbon supports using surfactants and their catalytic activities for methanol electro-oxidation
By Kim, Cham; Kwon, Heock-Hoi; Song, In Kyu; Sung, Yung-Eun; Chung, Won Seob & Lee, Ho-In

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