
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Self-assembly of porphyrin-based supramolecules and their characteristics on gold nanoparticles
By Zhang, Line; Li, Xiangqing & Mu, Jin
Self-assembled monolayers of polythiophene conductive polymers improve biocompatibility and electrical impedance of neural electrodes
By Widge, Alik S.; Jeffries-El, Malika; Cui, Xinyan; Lagenaur, Carl F. & Matsuoka, Yoky
Reagentless aptamer based impedance biosensor for monitoring a neuro-inflammatory cytokine PDGF
By Liao, Wei & Cui, Xinyan Tracy
Electricity generation and microbial community analysis of alcohol powered microbial fuel cells
By Kim, Jung Rae; Jung, Sok Hee; Regan, John M. & Logan, Bruce E.
Investigation of Cathode Catalysts for Intermediate-temperature H₂S-Air Fuel Cells
By ZHONG, Li; LUO, Jingli & Karl, Chuang
High temperature amperometric total NOₓ sensors with platinum-loaded zeolite Y electrodes
By Yang, Jiun-Chan & Dutta, Prabir K.
High temperature zirconia oxygen sensor with sealed metal/metal oxide internal reference
By Spirig, John V.; Ramamoorthy, Ramasamy; Akbar, Sheikh A.; Routbort, Jules L.; Singh, Dileep & Dutta, Prabir K.
Effect of electrode geometry on the impedance evaluation of tissue and cell culture
By Rahman, Abdur Rub Abdur; Price, Dorielle T. & Bhansali, Shekhar
Investigation of the electrocatalytic behaviour of Fe–MM (MM = Mischmetal) crystalline alloys for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium
By Rosalbino, F.; Macciò , D.; Saccone, A.; Angelini, E. & Delfino, S.
Polyaniline-related ion-barrier anticorrosion coatings: II. Protection behavior of polyaniline, cationic, and bipolar films
By Wang, Jianguo; Torardi, Charlie C. & Duch, Michael W.

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