We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.
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Publication | Date |
ISE pages
By Alentejano, Celeste Rabaçal & Aoki, Idalina Vieira |
2008 |
Role of oxygen in the galvanic interaction between polypyrrole and aluminum alloy
By Yan, Maocheng; Tallman, Dennis E. & Bierwagen, Gordon P. |
2008 |
ISE pages
By Al-Olayyan, Y.; Fuchs, G.E.; Baney, R. & Tulenko, J. |
2008 |
ISE pages
By Altube, A; Takenouti, H; Beaunier, L; Keddam, M; Joiret, S; Borensztajn, S; Pillier, F & Pierna, A.R |
2008 |
ISE pages
By Amato, L.E.; López, D.A.; Galliano, P.G. & Ceré, S.M. |
2008 |
ISE pages
By Aghamirian, M.M. & Yen, W.T. |
2008 |
Interactions between steels and sulphide-producing bacteria—Corrosion of carbon steels and low-alloy steels in natural seawater
By Malard, Emilie; Kervadec, Dominique; Gil, Otavio; Lefevre, Yves & Malard, Sophie |
2008 |
Tailor-made gold brush nanoelectrode ensembles modified with l-cysteine for the detection of daunorubicine
By Cao, Lixin; Yan, Peisheng; Sun, Kening & Kirk, Donald W. |
2008 |
Hydrogen permeation through sol–gel-coated iron during galvanostatic charging
By Zakorchemna, I.; Carmona, N. & Zakroczymski, T. |
2008 |
Size effects on the photoelectrochemical activities of single wall carbon nanotubes
By Li, Chen-Zhong; Choi, Won-Bang & Chuang, Cheng-Hsin |
2008 |
Microsoft is Ending Support for Windows 7
Microsoft will discontinue support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020 which means Gamry will also be discontinuing support for Windows 7. If you are upgrading to Windows 10, like many companies and institutions, you need to be running Version 7 of our s oftware . Please note that only USB and Ethernet-based instruments can run in Version 7. Eligible users can download the latest version of our software through our online Client Portal .
If you haven't already registered your instrument, you can do so through the Client Portal .
Please email Technical Support if you have any questions regarding this transition. Please be sure to include your instrument model and serial number when contacting us.