
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Characterization of Fe–Zn–R (R = rare earth metal) crystalline alloys as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution
By Rosalbino, F.; Macciò , D.; Angelini, E.; Saccone, A. & Delfino, S.
Electrocatalytic activity of phthalocyanines bearing thiophenes for hydrogen production from water
By Osmanbaş, Ömer A.; Koca, Atif; Kandaz, Mehmet & Karaca, Fatma
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured Bi2O3-doped cerium oxides fabricated by PVA polymerization process
By Li, Zhi-Cheng; Zhang, Hong & Bergman, Bill
Synthesis, spectroscopy and electrochemical properties of highly soluble fluoro containing phthalocyanines
By àœnlü, Selma; Yaraşir, Meryem N.; Kandaz, Mehmet; Koca, Atif & Salih, Bekir
Cyclic wet drying of an epoxy coating using an ionic liquid
By Allahar, K.N.; Hinderliter, B.R.; Bierwagen, G.P.; Tallman, D.E. & Croll, S.G.
Analytical characterization of silane films modified with cerium activated nanoparticles and its relation with the corrosion protection of galvanised steel substrates
By Montemor, M.F. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Electrochemical investigations into polypyrrole/aluminum flake pigmented coatings
By Qi, Xiaoning; Vetter, Christopher; Harper, Alice C. & Gelling, Victoria Johnston
Influence of inhibitor addition on the corrosion protection performance of sol–gel coatings on AA2024
By Yasakau, K.A.; Zheludkevich, M.L.; Karavai, O.V. & Ferreira, M.G.S.
Wear, erosion and corrosion resistance of CrTiAlN coating deposited by magnetron sputtering
By Yang, Q.; Zhao, L.R.; Cai, F.; Yang, S. & Teer, D.G.
Influence of plasma-nitriding and surface roughness on the wear and corrosion resistance of thin films (PVD/PECVD)
By Durst, O.; Ellermeier, J. & Berger, C.

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