
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effects of carbon coating on the electrochemical properties of sulfur cathode for lithium/sulfur cell
By Choi, Young-Jin; Chung, Young-Dong; Baek, Chang-Yong; Kim, Ki-Won; Ahn, Hyo-Jun & Ahn, Jou-Hyeon
Electrochemical and capacitive properties of thin-layer carbon black electrodes
By Panić, V.V.; Stevanović, R.M.; Jovanović, V.M. & Dekanski, A.B.
Conducting oxide formation and mechanical endurance of potential solid-oxide fuel cell interconnects in coal syngas environment
By Liu, Kejia; Luo, Junhang; Johnson, Chris; Liu, Xingbo; Yang, J. & Mao, Scott X.
Orthogonal flow membraneless fuel cell
By Hayes, Joel R.; Engstrom, Allison M. & Friesen, Cody
Electrochemical performance of ZnO-coated LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 cathode material
By Singhal, Rahul; Tomar, Maharaj S.; Burgos, Juan G. & Katiyar, Ram S.
Electrodeposition of Ni–Mo alloy coatings and their characterization as cathodes for hydrogen evolution in sodium hydroxide solution
By Krstajić, N.V.; Jović, V.D.; Gajić-Krstajić, Lj.; Jović, B.M.; Antozzi, A.L. & Martelli, G.N.
Production of hydrogen by the electrochemical reforming of glycerol–water solutions in a PEM electrolysis cell
By Marshall, A.T. & Haverkamp, R.G.
Photocurrent by anodized TiO2 photoelectrode for enzymatic hydrogen production and chromium(VI) reduction
By Shim, Eunjung; Park, Younbong; Bae, Sanghyun; Yoon, Jaekyung & Joo, Hyunku
Synthesis and characterization of P2O5–ZrO2–SiO2 membranes doped with tungstophosphoric acid (PWA) for applications in PEMFC
By Mosa, J.; Larramona, G.; Duràn, A. & Aparicio, M.
Fast proton-conducting ceramic membranes derived from ferroxane nanoparticle-precursors as fuel cell electrolytes
By Tsui, Eliza M. & Wiesner, Mark R.

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