
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
An electrochemical study of the effect of Li on the corrosion behavior of Ni3Al intermetallic alloy in molten (Li + K) carbonate
By Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J.G.; Mejia, E.; Lucio-Garcia, M.A.; Salinas-Bravo, V.M.; Porcayo-Calderon, J. & Martinez-Villafañe, A.
4-Substituted anilinomethylpropionate: New and efficient corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution
By Shukla, Sudhish Kumar & Quraishi, M.A.
Porous carbon nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile/SiO2 composites as an energy storage material
By Ji, Liwen; Lin, Zhan; Medford, Andrew J. & Zhang, Xiangwu
Measurement of the impedance change of impregnated activated carbon during exposure to SO2 vapors at ambient temperatures
By Rubel, Glenn O.; Peterson, Gregory W.; Fletcher, Nicole K.; III, Julian E. Parker & Jeffers, Robert B.
Electrochemically characterizing the ac–dc–ac accelerated test method using embedded electrodes
By Bierwagen, Gordon P.; Allahar, Kerry N.; Su, Quan & Gelling, Victoria Johnston
Electrochemical impedance study of thermally sprayable polyethylene coatings
By Singh, S.K.; Tambe, S.P.; Gunasekaran, G.; Raja, V.S. & Kumar, Dhirendra
Effect of steel substrate for phosphate treatment: An option to simulate TMT rebar surface
By Manna, M.
Polyacrylic acid as a corrosion inhibitor for aluminium in weakly alkaline solutions. Part I: Weight loss, polarization, impedance EFM and EDX studies
By Amin, Mohammed A.; EI-Rehim, Sayed S. Abd; El-Sherbini, Essam E.F.; Hazzazi, Omar A. & Abbas, Mohsen N.
Correlation between electrochemical impedance and noise measurements of waterborne coatings
By Hernàndez, M.; Genescà, J.; Uruchurtu, J. & Barba, A.
Detrimental effect of particle sol–gel coating on the corrosion behavior of A380–SiC composite
By Dikici, B.; Tekmen, C.; Yigit, O.; Gavgali, M. & Cocen, U.

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