
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Biodegradable Mg corrosion and osteoblast cell culture studies
By Yun, YeoHeung; Dong, Zhongyun; Yang, Dianer; Schulz, Mark J.; Shanov, Vesselin N.; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Xu, Zhigang; Kumta, Prashant & Sfeir, Charles
Effect of styrene–butadiene rubber latex on the chloride permeability and microstructure of Portland cement mortar
By Yang, Zhengxian; Shi, Xianming; Creighton, Andrew T. & Peterson, Marijean M.
Doping effect on secondary phases, microstructure and electrical conductivities of LaGaO3 based perovskites
By Li, Shuai & Bergman, Bill
Structure and properties of high Li2O-containing aluminophosphate glasses
By Moreau, Florian; Duràn, Alicia & Muñoz, Francisco
Corrosion resistance and microstructure characterization of rare-earth-transition metal–aluminum–magnesium alloys
By Banczek, E.P.; Zarpelon, L.M.C.; Faria, R.N. & Costa, I.
Understanding the role of Zr4+ cation in improving the cycleability of LiNi0.8Co0.15Zr0.05O2 cathodes for Li ion rechargeable batteries
By Sivaprakash, S. & Majumder, S.B.
Electrochemical properties of nickel-precipitated pyrite as cathode active material for lithium/pyrite cell
By Choi, Y.J.; Kim, N.W.; Kim, K.W.; Cho, K.K.; Cho, G.B.; Ahn, H.J.; Ahn, J.H.; Ryu, K.S. & Gu, H.B.
Corrosion behavior of amorphous carbon deposit in 0.89% NaCl by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
By Turcio-Ortega, D.; Rodil, S.E. & Muhl, S.
A new synthesis of a highly dispersed and CO tolerant PtSn/C electrocatalyst for low-temperature fuel cell; its electrocatalytic activity and long-term durability
By Lim, Dong-Ha; Choi, Dong-Hyeok; Lee, Weon-Doo & Lee, Ho-In
The effect of thermodynamic properties of zirconia-supported Fe3O4 on water-gas shift activity
By Baldychev, Ivan; Vohs, John M. & Gorte, Raymond J.

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