
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Measuring individual overpotentials in an operating solid-oxide electrochemical cell
By El Gabaly, Farid; Grass, Michael; McDaniel, Anthony H.; Farrow, Roger L.; Linne, Mark A.; Hussain, Zahid; Bluhm, Hendrik; Liu, Zhi & McCarty, Kevin F.
Radiolysis of water in nanoporous gold
By Musat, R.; Moreau, S.; Poidevin, F.; Mathon, M. H.; Pommeret, S. & Renault, J. P.
Synthesis, X-ray crystal structures, thermal and electrochemical properties of thiosemicarbazidatodioxouranium(vi) complexes
By Sahin, Musa; Koca, At[i without dot]f; Ozdemir, Nam[i without dot]k; Dincer, Muharrem; Buyukgungor, Orhan; Bal-Demirci, Tulay & Ulkuseven, Bahri
Novel ball-type four dithioerythritol bridged metallophthalocyanines and their water-soluble derivatives: Synthesis and characterization, and electrochemical, electrocatalytic, electrical and gas sensing properties
By Ceyhan, Tanju; Alt[i without dot]ndal, Ahmet; Ozkaya, Ali R[i without dot]za; Salih, Bekir & Bekaroglu, Ozer
Gold line array electrodes increase substrate affinity and current density of electricity-producing G. sulfurreducens biofilms
By Liu, Ying; Kim, Hosaeng; Franklin, Rhonda & Bond, Daniel R.
Ordered mesoporous WO3−X possessing electronically conductive framework comparable to carbon framework toward long-term stable cathode supports for fuel cells
By Kang, Eunae; An, Sunhyung; Yoon, Songhun; Kim, Jin Kon & Lee, Jinwoo
A detailed view on the polycondensation of ionic liquid monomers towards nitrogen doped carbon materials
By Paraknowitsch, Jens Peter; Thomas, Arne & Antonietti, Markus
Design and Synthesis of Hierarchical MnO2 Nanospheres/Carbon Nanotubes/Conducting Polymer Ternary Composite for High Performance Electrochemical Electrodes
By Hou, Ye; Cheng, Yingwen; Hobson, Tyler & Liu, Jie
Enhanced Photoresponse in Solid-State Excitonic Solar Cells via Resonant Energy Transfer and Cascaded Charge Transfer from a Secondary Absorber
By Driscoll, Kristina; Fang, Junfeng; Humphry-Baker, Nicola; Torres, Tomáls; Huck, Wilhelm T. S.; Snaith, Henry J. & Friend, Richard H.
Smaller is Faster and More Sensitive: The Effect of Wire Size on the Detection of Hydrogen by Single Palladium Nanowires
By Yang, Fan; Kung, Sheng-Chin; Cheng, Ming; Hemminger, John C. & Penner, Reginald M.

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