
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Investigation of a single pit/defect evolution during the corrosion process
By Pidaparti, Ramana M. & Patel, Ronak K.
Corrosion control of copper in nitric acid solutions using some amino acids – A combined experimental and theoretical study
By Khaled, K.F.
Experimental and theoretical study on the inhibition performance of triazole compounds for mild steel corrosion
By Musa, Ahmed Y.; Kadhum, Abdul Amir H.; Mohamad, Abu Bakar & Takriff, Mohd Sobri
Adsorption and inhibitive properties of some new Mannich bases of Isatin derivatives on corrosion of mild steel in acidic media
By Ahamad, Ishtiaque; Prasad, Rajendra & Quraishi, M.A.
A study of the inhibition of iron corrosion in HCl solutions by some amino acids
By Amin, Mohammed A.; Khaled, K.F.; Mohsen, Q. & Arida, H.A.
The role of silicon in the corrosion of AA6061 aluminium alloy laser weldments
By Rahman, A.B.M. Mujibur; Kumar, Sunil & Gerson, Andrea R.
Electrochemical investigation of chloride-induced depassivation of black steel rebar under simulated service conditions
By Ghods, P.; Isgor, O.B.; McRae, G.A. & Gu, G.P.
Degradation of the corrosion resistance of anodic oxide films through immersion in the anodising electrolyte
By García-Rubio, M.; Ocón, P.; Curioni, M.; Thompson, G.E.; Skeldon, P.; Lavía, A. & García, I.
Corrosion resistance of welds in type 304L stainless steel made with a nickel–copper–ruthenium welding consumable
By Liang, D.; Sowards, J.W.; Frankel, G.S.; Alexandrov, B.T. & Lippold, J.C.
Single particle impingement current transients for prediction of erosion-enhanced corrosion on 304 stainless steel
By Mohammadi, Farzad; Luo, Jingli; Lu, Baotong & Afacan, Artin

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