
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Evidencing antagonist effects of water uptake and leaching processes in marine organic coatings by gravimetry and EIS
By Fredj, N.; Cohendoz, S.; Mallarino, S.; Feaugas, X. & Touzain, S.
Studies on anticorrosive properties of thermally sprayable EVA and EVAl coating
By Tambe, S.P.; Singh, S.K.; Patri, M. & Kumar, Dhirendra
Characterization of sol–gel coated 316L stainless steel for biomedical applications
By Hosseinalipour, S.M.; Ershad-langroudi, A.; Hayati, Amir Nemati & Nabizade-Haghighi, A.M.
Performance and mechanism of action of self-priming organic coating on oxide covered steel surface
By Singh, D.D.N. & Bhattacharya, Dhrubo
The comparison of organic protective layers on bronze and copper
By Kosec, Tadeja; Legat, Andraž & Milošev, Ingrid
A two-step surface treatment, combining anodisation and silanisation, for improved corrosion protection of the Mg alloy WE54
By Pinto, R.; Carmezim, M.J.; Ferreira, M.G.S. & Montemor, M.F.
Some consequences of saline solution immersion on mechanical behavior of two marine epoxy-based coatings
By Fredj, N.; Cohendoz, S.; Feaugas, X. & Touzain, S.
The influence of aluminium surface pretreatment on the corrosion stability and adhesion of powder polyester coating
By Bajat, J.B.; Popić, J.P. & Mišković-Stanković, V.B.
H-type aggregation of functional metal ion sensing phthalocyanines: Synthesis, characterization and electrochemistry
By Bilgiçli, Ahmet T.; Yaraşir, M.N.; Kandaz, Mehmet & Rıza Özkaya, A.
Phosphorus–nitrogen compounds: Part 19. Syntheses, structural and electrochemical investigations, biological activities, and DNA interactions of new spirocyclic monoferrocenylcyclotriphosphazenes
By İlter, Elif Ece; Asmafiliz, Nuran; Kılıç Zeynel; Açık, Leyla; Yavuz, Makbule; Bali, E. Burcu; Solak, Ali Osman; Büyükkaya, Fevziye; Dal, Hakan & Hökelek, Tuncer

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