
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Synthesis and electrocatalysis of 1-aminopyrene-functionalized carbon nanofiber-supported platinum–ruthenium nanoparticles
By Lin, Zhan; Ji, Liwen; Krause, Wendy E. & Zhang, Xiangwu
The effect of porosity gradient in a Nickel/Yttria Stabilized Zirconia anode for an anode-supported planar solid oxide fuel cell
By An, Chung Min; Song, Jung-Hoon; Kang, Inyong & Sammes, Nigel
Anodic deposition of manganese oxide electrodes with rod-like structures for application as electrochemical capacitors
By Babakhani, Banafsheh & Ivey, Douglas G.
Ceria and copper/ceria functional coatings for electrochemical applications: Materials preparation and characterization
By Melnik, J.; Fu, X.Z.; Luo, J.L.; Sanger, A.R.; Chuang, K.T. & Yang, Q.M.
Manganese dioxide as a new cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells
By Li, Xiang; Hu, Boxun; Suib, Steven; Lei, Yu & Li, Baikun
Effect of phase inversion on microporous structure development of Al2O3/poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)-based ceramic composite separators for lithium-ion batteries
By Jeong, Hyun-Seok; Kim, Dong-Won; Jeong, Yeon Uk & Lee, Sang-Young
Thin film solid oxide fuel cells with copper cermet anodes
By Zhan, Zhongliang & Lee, Shung Ik
Esterification as a diagnostic tool to predict proton conductivity affected by impurities on Nafion components for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
By Hongsirikarn, Kitiya; Mo, Xunhua & Goodwin, James G.
Active water management at the cathode of a planar air-breathing polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell using an electroosmotic pump
By Fabian, T.; O’Hayre, R.; Litster, S.; Prinz, F.B. & Santiago, J.G.
Raising efficiency of hydrogen generation from alkaline water electrolysis – Energy saving
By Nikolic, Vladimir M.; Tasic, Gvozden S.; Maksic, Aleksandar D.; Saponjic, Djordje P.; Miulovic, Snezana M. & Marceta Kaninski, Milica P.

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