
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Biogenic nanoporous silica-based sensor for enhanced electrochemical detection of cardiovascular biomarkers proteins
By Lin, Kai-Chun; Kunduru, Vindhya; Bothara, Manish; Rege, Kaushal; Prasad, Shalini & Ramakrishna, B.L.
Nanoplasmonic biosensing with on-chip electrical detection
By Mazzotta, Francesco; Wang, Guoliang; Hà¤gglund, Carl; Höök, Fredrik & Jonsson, Magnus P.
Development of a (PQQ)-GDH-anode based on MWCNT-modified gold and its application in a glucose/O2-biofuel cell
By Tanne, C.; Göbel, G. & Lisdat, F.
The variation of power generation with organic substrates in single-chamber microbial fuel cells (SCMFCs)
By Sharma, Yogesh & Li, Baikun
Characterization of self-assembled nano-phase silane-based particle coating
By SHI, Hong-wei; LIU, Fu-chun & HAN, En-hou
The corrosion performance of die-cast magnesium alloy MRI230D in 3.5% NaCl solution saturated with Mg(OH)2
By Aghion, E. & Lulu, N.
Electrochromism and redox switching of cobalt hexacyanoferrate–polyaniline hybrid films in a hydrophobic ionic liquid
By Pahal, Suman; Deepa, M.; Bhandari, Shweta; Sood, K.N. & Srivastava, A.K.
Preparation of anodized TiO2 photoanode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production using natural seawater
By Nam, Wonsik; Oh, Seichang; Joo, Hyunku; Sarp, Saper; Cho, Jaeweon; Nam, Byeong-Wook & Yoon, Jaekyung
Characterization of monolithic porous carbon prepared from resorcinol/formaldehyde gels with cationic surfactant
By Bruno, M.M.; Cotella, N.G.; Miras, M.C.; Koch, T.; Seidler, S. & Barbero, C.
A novel way to maintain resorcinol–formaldehyde porosity during drying: Stabilization of the sol–gel nanostructure using a cationic polyelectrolyte
By Bruno, Mariano M.; Cotella, Nelson G.; Miras, Maria C. & Barbero, Cesar A.

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